Today I don't have any hacks fo you, becuase next one isn't finished yet, but i'd like to share my build for Vladimir, which will give you pretty good deal of damage, and you won't even have to go back to base to fill up your health
I always start with Amplifying Tome, which gives you 20 AP, and will get you more damage for your transfusion to harrass enemies
Next item is either Mejai's Soulstealer (in case you are likely to get fed), or if you need some extra speed for hit & run, take boots (If youre against a tank, go with Sorcerrers Shoes, if youre against another caster like Ryze take Mercury's Threads, which will make them pretty much helpless in early to mid game)
Now, if youre dying more than you should, go for Will of the Ancients, which will give you 80 AP and 20% Spell Vamp fore extra healing, and will allow you to spam Tides of Blood and fill your healt constantly
Else go for Rylai's Scepter- AP + Health + Passive that slows enemies down, enough said...
Now, if you took Will of the Ancients, go either for Rylai's Scepter, or Void Staff if you need it
If you took Rylai's first, you can either go for Will of The Ancients, or fill your reamining slots with Rabadon's Deathcaps for max AP, totally depends on how game is going
Tip: If youre going against another caster, and dying more and more late game, get Force of Nature, it will give you some resistance, and more important speed
Here is an example (nothe how i got force of nature coz i started getting killed more and more late game), and yeah, i was fed a bit, but that's not the point ^^
Hope this helps someone!